Sunday, May 9, 2010

Has the Republican Party gone insane?

Has the Republican party gone nuts?

YES! It’s a fact.

So they lost the 2008 Presidential election. Big deal. Their problem is, they can not admit why they lost. I’ll tell you why they lost. President George W. Bush was useless. You can be a lifelong republican and you have to admit it. Even after the 2006 elections, that gave the Republicans two years to fix their mess ad they did not even attempt to. You can not say one good thing that happened when he was in the White House. It began with a stolen election and ended with his precious ‘free market system’ collapsing and being put on life support by the Treasury Department. In between those events, we had the murder of over 3000 people by a bunch of Satanists in Al Qaeda, Enron, WorldCom, Haliburton, two wars, Hurricane Katrina, Bear Sterns, AIG, and Lehman Brothers. You can even make a case for Justin Timberlake’s career success. He was so incompetent he made Jimmy Carter look like FDR.

The Democrats finally realize they need a Democrat in the White House, not a fat thighed, jogging, McChicken eating, White Trash Cracker, and right winger (yes, he did bring us NAFTA) with an eye for kinky fat girls with sexual proclivities bordering on the “exotic”. Then there was Hillary who was of the belief that Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton would have been really good for America. Yah! In comes Obama who runs a textbook campaign: runs at Hillary from the left and secures his nomination (liberals s liked the Ted Kennedy endorsement), moves to the center for the general election and scores. The fact McCain claimed the “principles of the economy are sound” just a few hours before Lehman Brothers collapsed and his naming of Sarah Palin as Veep did as much good for Obama as Obama’s “yes we can” and message of “hope”. .

Now let’s look at the republican insanity of late.

1. Sarah Palin: OK, we know she’s now just in it for the money and she’s doing quite well with her book and her speaking appearances. Good for her. That said, she was never ready for politics on the national level. She looked like a complete idiot in the Katie Couric interview and Republicans then attacked The Widow Monahan for it. All she asked was what newspapers does she read and name a supreme court case. Such tough questions!

2. Tea Party:
Angry baby boomers are pissed off the President is black. They won’t admit it, but let’s admit it, it’s true. Now what do you have? People running for office saying the craziest things and think it might get the votes. Think Tim James in Alabama. Now we even have George Pataki trying to make a comeback. They’re ousting Bob Bennet in Utah for not being conservative enough. You know, I’d say you can put money on the conservative votes from Utah senators. In Florida, they manage to get Chalrie Crist to leave the Republican Party and now he’s running as an independent. It would be a gas to see the Democrat win now. What would the tea partiers do then?

3. Michellle Bachman
Other than talking insanity, she is starting to look it. Maybe she has been running a clandestine meth lab out there in Minnesota.

3. “Birthers” a group of people that can not believe the President of the USA was actually born in it. How many times the birth certificate has gone public?

4. Health Care:
The GOP offered nothing other than being against it. Hence, the President’s law gets passed. Maybe had they played ball, they could have got what they wanted into the new law. Why bother? “Let’s do nothing and we will win”—politics doesn’t work that way.

4. Bank reform
“Let the markets correct themselves”. Many of these geniuses have the same idea. Well, ask Herbert Hoover how that plan went. So the government bails out the banks with billions and billions of dollars and of course, the republicans don’t think cleaning up a few things that led to this mess is a good idea. Needless to say, as the party of no, they have nothing to offer and guess what that means? They get nothing done.

5. The party of “NO”
We don’t know what we’re doing but we do know, we’re against anything the President intends on doing. Sure, that will really get you the votes. Didn’t Bobby Jindal and Mark Sanford refuse stimulus money? You don’t turn down free money. Of course, thanks to BP’s oil slick, Bobby is looking for federal money now.

So to sum up, the GOP believes that they can win Congress this November with a bevy of lunatic fringers and no plan for governing. With the economy getting better, they may just be in for another rude awakening.

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